
Europe requires Portugal, Poland and Luxemburg to implant an electronic register of transport undertakings

These electronic registers contain information about the companies that are authorised to work in all Member States; furthermore in 2016 there were three sentences that evidenced the existence of countries which did not comply with this requirement.  Community legislation demands that these registers are interconnected in order to create an electronic register of road transport undertakings, what has been named as ERRU. As a result a better exchange of information between the states is achieved and also, a better legislative activity.



Last Friday 7th of April, Ministry of Interior published on the BOE the resolution that modifies the restrictions imposed to heavy goods vehicles, that was announced by the administration at the beginning of the year. The transport of perishable goods, such as fruits and vegetables, will not be affected by traffic restrictions on weekends, public holidays or holiday outward and return journey periods. This decision tackles the existing problem on the sector of temperature controlled transport in Spain, at the same time it helps improving the conditions for...

Nuovo commissario europeo per Trasporti e Spazio

Lo slovacco Maros Sefcovic è stato designato dal presidente della Commissione Europea, Jean Claude Juncker, come nuovo commissario per i Trasporti e lo Spazio, e sostituirà l'attuale commissario in carica, Siim Kallas. Dal 2009 Sefcovic riveste carichi nella Commissione Europea nelle aree di educazione, formazione, sanità e consumo. Leggi tutto...

La Francia proroga di un ulteriore anno le 44 tonnellate per gli Euro 3 e gli Euro 4

La Gazzetta Ufficiale della Repubblica Francese ha pubblicato, nel dicembre del 2012, il Decreto 2012-1359 il quale modificava la massa limite autorizzata per i veicoli terrestri a motore, passando da 40 a 44 tonnellate per i veicoli aventi più di 4 assi. La norma stabiliva come scadenza il 30 settembre 2014, ma è stata prorogata fino al 2015. Leggi tutto...